Discover Murcia at Easter and enjoy our traditional recipes to prepare delicious tapas with products selected by Casa Ballester.

- Prepare a salad with finely chopped potato, egg and pickled variants.
- Mix it with the mayonnaise and serve a spoonful on a dry bagel.
- On top place a salted anchovy like the ones we prepare at Casa Ballester, well cleaned and very tender.
And enjoy the most international appetizer from Murcia! Mini trick: If you don’t want to stain yourself, place the anchovy and cut it into 3 pieces with a scissors.

It is prepared in the same way as the MARINERA, but instead of anchovies, we put a pickled anchovy on top.
A slightly different flavor for a spectacular appetizer! Mini trick: Cut the anchovy into 3 pieces when placing it on top of the salad, so as not to take the whole anchovy in the first bite.

- Choose a salted anchovy and a pickled anchovy in vinegar of similar size.
- Place them on a slice of bread with a toothpick and season to taste with oil, garlic, parsley, or alone.
This tapa masterfully combines in a single bite two textures and flavors of the same fish, the anchovy or bocarte!

- Sliced according to your taste, I like them very thin, mullet roe or ling roe and mojama extra.
- Place them on a plate.
- Add the fried marcona almonds on top.
The most consumed Murcian tapa as soon as the heat arrives. Accompany it with a cool drink like a beer or a clear, with or without alcohol. Mini trick: Do not season it with oil or salt.
It is not necessary if the salting is of quality, you will enjoy all its authenticity and intensity!

- Prepare a salad with tomatoes from the garden, pickled peppers, caper stalks and crushed olives.
- Cut the dried and salted Bonito into wide slices.
- Place the bonito pieces on top and season with oil and a pinch of salt.
The salted tuna combines perfectly with any tomato salad, fresh beans, fresh cheese… Mini tip: To avoid the smell that the bonito leaves on your hands when preparing it, do not touch it directly, wear gloves or pick it up with a kitchen towel.

Cod crumbs, ñora pepper, red bell pepper, spring onion and black olives.
- Clean the peppers and soak them.
- Dice the red bell pepper, spring onion and cod into small cubes.
- Mix all the ingredients, add the pitted black olives, and season with EVOO, vinegar and salt to taste.
This old Huerta recipe is eaten as a toast, with a spoonful of the mixture on a slice of soft bread.
You will love it! Mini tip: For a more intense flavor, let it rest for a whole day in the refrigerator.