HERPAC is a company located in Barbate, on the coast of Cadiz, where the most appreciated bluefin tuna is bred. And it is here where HERPAC produces the best salted and preserved bluefin tuna.
The area of Barbate (Cádiz) has the largest bluefin tuna trap in the Mediterranean, and uses artisanal techniques for its fishing and cutting, called ronqueo. Strict rules and controls on production and fishing help to preserve this spectacular environmental setting in which they are bred.
Our favourites are red tuna preserves in olive oil. Herpac selects different cuts of tuna which, after being cut, are cleaned and packaged by hand to obtain a wide variety of top quality preserves.
This is how we obtain preserves of red tuna loin, red tuna tarantelo or red tuna belly. Each one with a unique texture and flavour, highly appreciated by the most demanding palates.
At Casa Ballester you will find a careful selection of HERPAC tuna preserves made with the best cuts of locally produced red tuna and packaged following traditional recipes that respect the quality and authentic flavour of tuna!
Name or company name: Salazones Herpac S.L. Address: Pol. Ind. El Olivar, s/n 11.160 Barbate Cádiz