Quesos y Besos is a traditional cheese factory located in Jaén and a well-deserved winner of the 33rd edition of the World Cheese Awards in 2021.

This small This family-run cheese factory makes cheeses from goat's milk, obtaining the raw material from its own flock of Malaga goats that graze in the mountains south of Jaén. This activity has been carried out for three or four generations, and which its heirs have revived.

Quesos y Besos makes lactic coagulation cheeses, something rare in this area, and which has earned them numerous national and international awards. Their master cheesemakers, Silvia Peláez and Paco Romero, are part of this new group of artisans who combine tradition, innovation and deep knowledge of this great gastronomic product, which they show with their new and exquisite recipes.

The most recognized is the Olavidia Cheese, chosen as the best cheese in the world in 2021 by the World Cheese Awards and Best Cheese in Spain in 2018. This lactic curd that incorporates charcoal has a soft and creamy texture. Its smooth flavor in the mouth clearly recalls the intensity of goat's milk.

In the Casa Ballester online store you can find cheeses made by Quesos y Besos and receive them at home in 24/48 hours.

Name or company name: LACTEOS ROMERO PELAEZ SL 
Address: Polígono Los Llanos M5P3, A-4, Salida 280, 23210 Guarromán, Jaén

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